File No. 812.00/613.


No. 539.]

Your Excellency: I have the honor, in compliance with telegraphic instructions from my Government, to inform the Department that Abraham González, to whom I referred in my note No. 538 of yesterday, Cástulo Herrera, and P. J. Lomelí, whose seditious acts in violation of the neutrality laws are notorious from their enlisting men on American territory and committing other unlawful acts, are now at El Paso, Tex.

The American Government will find it easy to prove the punishable character of the acts committed by the aforesaid persons on the border territory, for the vigilance of the authorities and the investigations [Page 383] conducted by them will have furnished them with the necessary evidence upon which to arrest Abraham González, Cástulo Herrera, and P. J. Lomelí.

My Government has declared to your excellency’s Government that it would be glad to supply such evidence as it may gather—and this it has done in some cases—but it not being easy for it, as it is for the American authorities, to bring the requisite proofs together, it reports the facts, confident that a painstaking and efficacious investigation will reveal legal proof of the truth of the asservations that are made. For instance, as the starting point of a fruitful investigation, it may be enough for me to cite the information I took leave to present in my note, above referred to, touching the statements made by Abraham González to a newspaper correspondent

In the name of my Government I have the honor to ask that the Government of the United States be pleased to issue appropriate orders in the sense above indicated, to the end that duly energetic and speedy action be taken against such men as may be guilty of breaking the neutrality laws and who, abusing the hospitality they find in this country, organize and arm men against a constituted Government to disturb the peace of a friendly country.

Thanking, etc.

F. L. de la Barra.