File No. 812.6363/110.

The British Consul at Tampico to Rear Admiral C. Cradoch at Vera Cruz.96


The Governor has promised, subject to the approval of the Government in Mexico City, that British ships can enter the port of Tampico in order to load petroleum except in cases where the cargo is destined for American ports. All steamers, except those flying the American flag, will be allowed to clear for ports in the United States on condition that the delivery of petroleum to the Mexican [Page 698] Government at Vera Cruz is permitted by the United States authorities. I learn from a reliable source that the responsible parties are preparing an ultimatum to the effect that unless the United States ships off Tampico are withdrawn within eight days, the American oil and property will be destroyed, while British and other foreign properties will be protected. I would advise strongly against the return of any Americans pending a settlement of this difficulty, as it might precipitate a conflict.

  1. Handed to the Department of State by the British Ambassador May 7, 1914.