File No. 339.11/16.

Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.

No. 103.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that the Legation is constantly called upon to protect Porto Rican citizens who are drafted from time to time by the Dominican Government. In every instance the Legation acts with promptness to secure the release of said Porto Ricans, but the Government seems to disregard our objections, and when the occasion offers repeats the offense.

Will you please instruct as to whether, as a preventive measure, the Dominican Government may be warned that the American Government will ask that the Porto Ricans so taken be indemnified in money damages.

I desire to point out that the Dominican Government is very careful not to draft the natives of other islands, under British rule. I recommend that such action be taken as will impress the Dominican Government that this abuse will not be tolerated.

I have [etc.]

James M. Sullivan