File No. 812.00/15452.

The Confidential Agent of the Constitutionalist Government of Mexico to the Secretary of State.

My dear Mr. Lansing: I have the honor to include hereinafter, for your excellency’s information, the text of a telegram I received last night from Mr. Carranza, setting forth the efforts he is making to reestablish civil government in the City of Mexico and the earnestness with which he is endeavoring to improve the food conditions of its population:

Vera Cruz, July 12, 1915.

Licenciado Eliseo Arredondo,
Mexican Embassy, Washington, D. C.

I have the pleasure to inform you that after several days of fighting, the City of Mexico was occupied yesterday by our forces, under the command of Major General Pablo Gonzalez, Chief Commander of the Eastern Corps of the Constitutionalist Army. Action was at once taken to organize the administration, the civil officers having already been appointed to take charge of the government of the Federal District and the Municipal Council. By special train today I sent all the personnel of the departments of the Treasury, the Interior and the Post Office, and prior to this time I had already sent the personnel of the telegraph office to restore communication. The Constitutionalist Government is now actively engaged in sending provisions to the city and will give full guaranties to everybody, whether native or foreigner.

V. Carranza.

With assurances [etc.]

E. Arredondo.