File No. 862.20261/28

The Consul at Tiflis ( Smith) to the Secretary of State

No. 66

Subject:—Propaganda among the Kurdish Tribes

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith for the Department’s information a copy of my despatch to the Ambassador on the above subject.

I have [etc.]

F. Willoughby Smith
[Page 295]

The Consul at Tiflis ( Smith) to the Ambassador in Russia ( Francis)

Sir: I have the honor to report that from reliable information I have received from various sources, it appears possible to open up negotiations with the Kurdish tribes of Kurdistan, with a view of starting an uprising against the Turks and their cooperation with the Allies on lines similar to those adopted by the Arabs under the Sheik of Mecca. Negotiations can be started from Van. It would be necessary, however, to promise them their independence. The Armenian leaders fully support this plan which they believe not difficult to carry out. Kurdish assistance would be of considerable advantage on this front and would appear to justify the small sacrifice involved. The cost of such negotiations and of a propaganda among the Kurds, would be trifling and I could form the necessary agencies from Tiflis.

I have [etc.]

F. Willoughby Smith