
The Chargé in France ( Bliss ) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 6889

Sir: I have the honor to enclose, in copy and translation, a protest addressed by the Yougo-Slav Assembly to the Allied Powers against the occupation by the Italian naval forces of certain territory claimed by the Yougoslav nation.

Copies of this protest have been forwarded to Colonel House’s mission.

I have [etc.]

Robert Woods Bliss

The Yougoslav Assembly to the Allied Powers and the United States

The Yougoslav Assembly, met at Paris, under the Presidency of Mr. Jean Zujovic, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia, [Page 342] comprising all the Serbians, Croatians and Slovaks, without distinction as to regions or parties, solemnly and energetically protests to the Allied Powers against the occupation by the Italian naval forces of the Adriatic ports of Fiume and Zara, the islands of Curzola, Lissa, Lagosta, or any other territory belonging to the Yougoslav nation.

It considers that this occupation constitutes a flagrant violation of articles 3, 4, 6 and 8 of the Armistice of October 31st which order the occupation “by the Allied Forces and the United States of America”, of the territories evacuated by the Austro-Hungarian forces.

It deplores, at the same time, that the territories in question, forming an integral part of the Yougoslav national patrimony, were in the Armistice Treaty considered as enemy territories subject to a foreign military occupation, contrary to the spirit of the declaration of President Wilson as of October 18th who recognized in the most complete manner the justness of the national aspirations of the Yougoslavs for liberty.

Imbued with faith in the wisdom and in the democratic spirit of the powerful allies, and of the United States of America, the Yougoslav Assembly solicits, in conformity with the declaration of responsible statesmen of the Entente and of the United States of America, the recognition of the Serbo-Yougoslav Government, as well as the imprescriptible rights of the Yougoslav nation in the whole of the territories which, according to the terms of the Declaration of Corfu, appertain to the national Yougoslav patrimony.

In case of conflict with the Italian Government on the subject of the delimitation of frontier territories, the Assembly deems that there is need of a liberally organized plebiscite in the contested territories.

Finally, the Assembly makes appeal to the sentiments of justice of the Italian democracy for the cessation of a state of affairs imcompatible with its traditions and with the principle of the right of peoples to dispose of themselves.

The President of the Assembly
Ivan M. Zujovic

The Rapporteur
L. De voinoitel