033.1140/46: Telegram

The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Acting Secretary of State

26. Priority for Polk from Auchincloss.

2.25 Your number 25, December 13, 7 p.m., from McCormick for the President. The President directs me to say that he is quite in accord with Mr. McCormick in the judgment that the censorship should be carefully maintained so far as it constitutes an added blockade against the Central Empires and their areas. This is what the President understood would be done and he takes it for granted that McCormick will find the authorities in Washington ready to acquiesce in this judgment.

Am[erican] Mission
  1. Mr. Auchincloss’s cables to the Acting Secretary were identified by a serial number distinct from that given to the same cable by the Commission (undated telegram received Dec. 19, 5:18 p.m. (033.1140/45)).