Paris Peace Conf. 763.72/6: Telegram

The Chargé in Denmark ( Osborne ) to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

59. Inter-Allied Committee received telegram November 25th from Allied Blockade Committee stating that relaxation of the blockade of Baltic established by the armistice terms was to be carried out by granting licenses to neutral ships sailing for German ports with specified cargoes, any ship not carrying such to be liable to seizure. Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs was informed of this telegram by identic notes from legations of Associated Powers. Pending negotiations to arrange procedure and conditions under which sailing permits will be granted by the Inter-Allied Committee, none have been issued and theoretically blockade has remained intact. It appears certain, however, that both Danish and German ships have sailed between Denmark and Germany in addition to the base of Nemunde [Gjedser-Warnemünde?] ferry (owned by the Danish Government) which is known to run regularly once or twice each day. In spite of presence in the Baltic of considerable British naval forces, only one seizure (of a German ship) has been reported although the conditions described are certainly not unknown to the British authorities. Consequently the general onus of theoretically maintaining the blockade falls upon the American, British authorities, French and Italian Governments alike, while any advantages resulting from actual relaxations accrue to the one power now in a position to effectively enforce the blockade. From the point of view of American interests it seems desirable that the blockade in the Baltic either should be entirely abandoned or strictly enforced. Am investigating further in the matter.
