311.6124/17: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Helsingfors (Haynes)

Your 519, January 10, 9 p.m. First four conditions accepted. With respect to the fifth, it is felt that transfer of aliens across front should not be made the subject of negotiation but that word should be sent to the Bolsheviki through the Esthonians that on a certain day these people will be permitted to pass through the Finnish lines and that it is presumed there will be no firing from the Bolshevik side but that on the contrary their crossing will be facilitated.

You are authorized to request Gade or the American Consul at Reval to take the matter up in this sense with the Esthonian authorities in conjunction with the Finnish representative there.

With respect to the sixth condition, it is presumed that Berkshire can furnish the desired list. If not it will be sent from Washington at once.

The Department regrets to be unable to comply with the request of the Finnish Government to retain ten Bolsheviki as hostages. The terms of the law under which these aliens are deported make it necessary to send them to the country of their origin. There is no authority for delivering them into the hands of a third country except for the purpose of immediate transit to the country of their origin whence they came.
