Measures taken by the United States and other powers for the protection of lives and property in China24

24. For previous correspondence concerning measures for the protection of lives and property in China, see Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. ii, pp. 44 ff.

[176] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10051: Telegram

[177] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10053: Telegram

[178] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10062: Telegram

[179] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10056: Telegram

[180] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

393.11/828: Telegram

[181] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)

393.11/828: Telegram

[182] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10077: Telegram

[183] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10096: Telegram

[184] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State


[185] The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State

793.94/1672: Telegram

[187] The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State

793.94/1675: Telegram

[188] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State


[189] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

393.116/376: Telegram

[190] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

393.116/377: Telegram

[191] The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)

393.116/376: Telegram

[193] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

393.1153/20: Telegram

[194] The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State

893.00/10196: Telegram

  1. Telegram in four sections.
  2. Telegram in two sections.