393.1111 Nelson, Bert N./121: Telegram

The Consul General at Hankow (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

54. The following telegram has been sent to the Legation:

“June 11, 4 p.m. Dr. Skinsnes has received a letter from Reverend Bert Nelson stating that he is well and that ‘They have decided to keep me in here as an English teacher.’ A middleman sent to the bandit headquarters by Dr. Skinsnes has returned to Sinyangchow and confirms the above but brought from the brigands a long list of articles now being demanded among them being ‘telephone wires 360,000 feet, pianos, organs, medicines, printing presses, airplane thermometer, et cetera’. Dr. Skinsnes stated that ‘perhaps the list is made so complicated because they really do not want to let Nelson go.’

I have had Nelson case up twice recently with General Ho Chen-chun with the same result heretofore, that is, promises to do everything possible to effect release but no effective steps taken.

None of the articles mentioned herein will be sent.

Repeated to the Legation [Department?]”
