893.00/11586: Telegram

The Consul General at Hankow (Adams) to the Acting Secretary of State

91. 1. A few days ago the motor vessel Meiying of the Standard Oil Company of New York was heavily fired upon by Communists a short distance above Hanchwan on the Han River and compelled to return to Hankow with her cargo. Communist bands have been extremely active during August on all sides of Hankow. They are apparently taking advantage of high water, which hampers troop movements, to press their activities. Lukiakow, Tsaoshih, Fenshuitsuei and Chinghuangkang, all in central Hupeh, have been captured by Communists within the past few days. Father Sands (British) at Chiwutai and Father O’Rourke (British) at Tsaoshih were captured by Communists on August 16 and 20 respectively.

[2.] The National Government has ordered 30,000 gallons of aviation gas to be delivered at Changsha not later than September 6. If [Page 975] this and Chiang Kai-shek’s visit to Hankow indicate preparations for offensive or defensive measures against Canton, military forces at Hankow may be depleted. In such case the situation here will require careful watching.

3. I am discussing with Rear Admiral Williams the possible desirability of increasing American naval forces at Hankow for the protection of Americans.

Legation informed.

  1. Telegram in two sections.