
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

No. 3004

Sir: Reference is made to your despatch No. 2708 of September 8, 1932, and previous correspondence concerning a proposed nationality convention between the United States and Switzerland.

The Department is constantly receiving letters from or on behalf of American citizens of Swiss origin concerning military taxes assessed against them by the Swiss Government and the efforts made to collect them and inquiring whether there is a treaty between the United States and Switzerland bearing upon the matter. Some of the inquirers cite the Joint Resolution of Congress of May 28, 1928, and indicate that they desire to be informed whether efforts are being made to negotiate a treaty such as is described therein with Switzerland. Accordingly, if you have any additional information regarding the proposed convention which would enable the Department to make a statement relative to its present status or the likelihood of its being accepted it would be appreciated if you would forward it to the Department.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Wilbur J. Carr