
The Belgian Ambassador (Van Straten)29a to the Secretary of State

No. 1465

Mr. Secretary of State: By direction of my Government, I have the honor to advise Your Excellency of the following:

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The Government of the King, desiring that the devaluation of the Belgian franc should not serve as a pretext for exportations capable of causing a disturbance in foreign markets, has decided to supervise closely the prices quoted by Belgian manufacturers in their shipments to foreign countries. It has assured itself for this purpose of the cooperation of all producers affiliated to groups. There will be special supervision of non-affiliated producers.

In order to assure the execution of instructions that it has given to Belgian commerce, the Government of the King has decided to subject to the formality of an export license all products for which this measure may be considered necessary. This formality takes effect immediately for exports of rugs, cotton and wool, cement, bricks, table glassware (gobeleterie) and crushed stone.

In the spirit of loyal collaboration which prevails between our two countries, my Government desired that Your Excellency should be informed of the measures that it has taken in order that you be aware of the efforts made by Belgium to the end that the devaluation of the belga should not prejudice its relations with the United States of America.30

I avail myself [etc.]

R. v. Straten
  1. Comte R. van der Straten-Ponthoz.
  2. For text of statement by the Department of State, April 15, 1935, on the effect of the devaluation of the Belgian monetary unit, see Department of State, Press Releases, April 20, 1935, p. 243.