724.34119/309: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell)

177. Your 295, December 12, 11 p.m. For Braden. I believe that the adjournment of the Conference before a satisfactory solution of the prisoners and security questions is reached would be highly regrettable.

The Paraguayan Minister has received a cable from his Government which he has communicated to me stating that the financial question is “of no importance” provided an agreement can be reached on the security measures and stating definitely that Paraguay would agree to any reasonable financial settlement provided the security question can be solved.

For your strictly confidential information with reference to paragraph 4 of your cable, the Minister has shown me a confidential letter from President Ayala stating that he will not agree to reelection under any conditions; that the agitation for reelection has died down, and indicating that Dr. Riart will be the presidential candidate.

With reference to paragraph 13 of your cable, I have expressed similar views to Espil. I have added that in view of the extreme uncertainty of the European situation and inasmuch as the matters involved in the Italo-Ethiopian conflict18 are exclusively under the jurisdiction of the League, participation at this juncture by the United States in a joint declaration as suggested would inevitably be construed as an indication of the intention of this Government to influence the deliberations of the League and the present peace negotiations and would in all likelihood tend to complicate the existing crisis rather than to assist in its solution.
