633.116/74: Telegram

The Minister in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

16. Fifty-three importers of American goods constituting majority membership of American Chamber of Commerce have addressed a communication to the Minister of Finance and to the President of [Page 940] the Bank of the Republic published in today’s press. They point out that the authorities are not granting exchange to permit the customs clearance of goods which have been here for some time, that such goods were shipped with the tacit consent and even encouragement of the exchange authorities and that in consequence of the continuing refusal of exchange which constitutes a kind of moratorium for American goods, the petitioners are in a precarious situation which will oblige them to reduce or close their business, thus increasing unemployment. They call attention to Charlone’s57 statement of December 7th (in connection with new exchange and currency measures) that there would be sufficient exchange to clear the goods in the customhouse and conclude with a petition that prompt steps be taken to relieve the situation.

  1. César Charlone, former Minister for Finance.