Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

Generalissimo Chiang to President Roosevelt1

President Roosevelt Washington DC. Your telegram of 4th July3 has been received. And I am in full accord with your suggestions. Madame Chiang has informed me in detail of her conversations with you. I am delighted with the results and that we see eye to eye on many questions. I anticipate with pleasure our meeting in the near future. For many years I have been wishing that we could discuss together in person various problems of mutual interest. I venture to suggest that any time after September [which?] would be most convenient and suitable to you would be possible for me. Should necessity arise, however, for our meeting before then, I should appreciate your letting me know at least a fortnight in advance of my departure.

Chiang Kai-shek
  1. Sent by Stilwell, via Army channels, in a secret and urgent message, numbered 630, “for the eyes of Gen Marshall alone”.
  2. Stilwell’s message is dated at Chungking, July 9, 1943.
  3. Presumably the message of June 30, 1943, ante, p. 13.