
The British Prime Minister (Churchill) to President Roosevelt 64

318. Further to your 288. Some of my colleagues have questioned your sentence “I agree with you that the time has arrived when we break with him”. As you will remember I sent a telegram from the White House when we were together but as I told you at the time, the Cabinet did not accept this view because inter alia de Gaulle was just starting for Algiers to meet Giraud. This was a new fact to me and we were all inclined to give the meeting a fair chance. Since then we have been watching their manoeuvres with growing dissatisfaction. It would not however be right to say that we have decided “that the time has arrived when we must break with him”. This may come but it would come as the result of his refusing to accept the necessary military conditions to ensure that the French army remains in trustworthy hands on which full agreement exists between our two Governments.

2. Will you very kindly read this message in conjunction with my 316.65

  1. Copy of this telegram transmitted by the British Ambassador to the Secretary of State on June 19.
  2. Supra.