740.00119 PW/8–1645

The Secretary of State to the Swiss Chargé (Grässli)

Sir: In response to your note to me of August 16 transmitting certain observations and requests of the Japanese Government with respect to the carrying out of the Japanese surrender, I have the honor to request that you transmit to the Japanese Government the following reply:

“Such information as the Japanese Government requires to carry out the surrender arrangements will be communicated by the Supreme Commander at appropriate times determined by him. The four Allied Powers have subscribed to the Potsdam Declaration which assures the return to the homeland to peaceful occupations of all Japanese armed forces who surrender to United States commanders, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Admiral the Lord Louis Mountbatten, and Soviet commanders as directed by the Supreme Commander for [Page 672] the Allied Powers. This return will be arranged through the Supreme Commander and will take place after the Japanese armed forces have been disarmed by the Allied commanders to whom they surrender and when Japanese and other transportation can be made available.”

Accept [etc.]

James F. Byrnes