501.BC Indonesia/8–449: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State 1

confidential   priority

650. Gocus 777. Cease-hostilities orders broadcast night 3d with appropriate appeals to troops by Lovink and C-in-C, Batavia, and Sukarno, Jogja. All documents including manual airmailed Lake Success.

Upon departing today, Van Royen said looked forward working together again Hague and particularly asked I keep ECA help in mind. Interested note opinion expressed by Helb to Nolting (memorandum of conversation June 15th2) that he expects no revival ECA aid Indonesia prior successful outcome RTC.

Republicans pressing UNCI representatives insist on having chairmanship Steering Committee RTC rotate exclusively among latter. UNCI has taken no position but Critchley will urge (reference Reed’s conversation with Makin June 32). While desire UNCI be represented Steering Committee, am not entirely convinced we should insist on Republican idea since Netherlands Government responsible for calling conference and seeing it to successful finish in two months and especially if chairmanship of every other committee may rotate between Netherlands BFO and Republic. Signed Cochran.

  1. Repeated in telegram 675, August 4, 7 p. m., to The Hague.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.