501.BC Indonesia/8–649: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State


661. Gocus 783. Cochran departed today KLM due Amsterdam evening 8th. Others aboard included Hatta who will break journey at Delhi to see Nehru.

First meeting of Central Joint Board held yesterday (Gocus 770 and 7721) consisting UNCI deputies, who will rotate chairmanship, [Page 469] three senior military advisors and four representatives each Netherlands, Republic and BFO. Arrangements made send liaison groups from Jogja including one civilian and one Republic military official accompanied by military observer to contact Republic area commanders Java and Sumatra next few days and emphasize importance attached by Republic Government to earliest effective ceasefire. Signed Dow.

Repeated The Hague as No. 5.

  1. Telegrams 639, July 29, and 642, August 1, pp. 464, 467.