320/10–2050: Telegram

Secret Daily Summary of Decisions Taken at United States Delegation Meeting, New York, October 20, 19501

Delga 161. Following are Delga decisions October 20:

Soviet “peace” declaration: Delegation reviewed alternatives for tactics re Soviet “peace” declaration: (1) whether US should take initiative in introducing and pushing substitute resolution; (2) let other delegations introduce substitute; (3) consult with delegations believing substitute necessary and co-sponsor suitable resolution without taking position of leadership. Two possible substitute resolutions presented to delegation (US/A/C.1/2144/Rev. 1: US/A/C.1/2170).

Delegation agreed that because US had been pushing other delegations hard on Korea and Uniting for Peace,2 it was preferable to relax pressure now and let others take lead. It was suggested that since various other delegations had drafted possible substitutes, US might consult in order ascertain general views. It was possible that since US could not support either of two Yugoslav proposals re peace machinery,3 we might be able to placate Yugoslavs by arranging for [Page 411] them to co-sponsor suitable substitute resolution in this case, although it was noted that other delegations might have some objections. Delegation decided to act on premise that a substitute resolution was necessary and agreed that US should not itself propose such a resolution. Delegation will undertake consultation with Yugoslavs and others in order ascertain whether acceptable substitute can be produced. Questions of US co-sponsorship will be decided in light of these negotiations.

  1. For the complete text of the minutes of this meeting, see the US/A/M (Chr) series (No. 160, October 20, 1950), IO files.
  2. That is, in the parliamentary diplomacy relating to consideration of these two items by the First Committee, ahead of the Soviet peace declaration in the order indicated.
  3. For the two Yugoslav resolutions, see post, pp. 416 ff.