320/10–1450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 55. Re Delga 129, October 14. Dept’s preference as indicated in Gadel 29, Oct 5 is to vote down Sov res without substitute. If, however, USGADel shld conclude that this course is not feasible the Dept has fol suggestions re draft contained in Delga 129

1. Preamble is revised so as to read:

“The General Assembly

Convinced that it voices the intense desire of all peoples to live in peace and freedom;

Concerned by the threat to peace and freedom presented by the aggression in Korea and the danger of aggression elsewhere;

Determined to preserve the integrity of free nations by preventing both direct and indirect aggression, the chief crime against humanity, and by carrying out the provisions of its resolution … (V), entitled Uniting for Peace;

Reaffirms its res 290 (IV) entitled Essentials of Peace, regrets that certain members states have failed to Comply with said res and calls upon all members of the UN to carry out that res;

Proclaims on behalf of the peoples of the UN this Declaration of Peace and Freedom. The members of the UN declare that they will work together:”

With respect to the operative parts of the draft res, the Dept prefers the text contained in Annex 3, US/A/C.1/1971, Oct. 2, 19501 which with amendments shld read as fols:

[Page 410]
In sincere and uninterrupted internatl collaboration to settle disputes by peaceful means, to raise standards of living everywhere, and to combat injustice, intolerance, poverty and fear;
To put an end to aggression and subversion and to the betrayal of nationalist independence movements in the interest of a new imperialism;
For the regulation and reduction of all armaments and mass armies by means of effective systems of control and inspection;
To exercise international sovereignty jointly with other nations to the extent necessary to attain international control of atomic energy which, wld make effective the prohibition of atomic weapons and assure the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes only;
For a free world dedicated to the observance of human rights, to the removal of barriers to friendly intercourse among peoples, and to the free communication of ideas;
For the right to live in peace and call upon all governments to cease all propaganda for war and all propaganda of hatred and suspicion toward other nations in order that we may devote ourselves to the fulfillment of our moral, spiritual and material needs.”
  1. For text, see Department’s telegram Gadel 5, September 21, p. 397. This was the “Free World Appeal” draft resolution.