CFM Files: Lot M–88: Box 152: SFM Documents 1–40

Proposed NATO Resolution on Force for Defense of Freedom in Europe1

top secret

Document 24

The Council

Approves the concept of an integrated force under NATO control adequate to insure the successful defense of freedom in Europe;

Requests the Chairman of the Defense Committee to make, as a matter of urgency, recommendations as to the composition of this integrated force and its organization and command;


That the integrated force should [in due course]2 have a Supreme Commander who would in time of peace have delegated authority to insure that the force is organized and trained effectively, and who would in time of war exercise full powers as such over that force within geographic limits to be determined by the Defense Committee.
Units of the integrated force should be composed of contingents operating within overall NATO control. The member nations should make firm commitments as to the forces to be placed under the control of the Supreme Commander in time of peace and also as to the forces which would be placed under his command in the event of war.
That as an immediate step in the formation of the unified force there should be established under the authority of the Standing Group [a Chief of Staff with] a combined staff in Europe drawn from nationals of all NATO nations participating in the integrated force, [the Chief of Staff should have the authority of the Supreme Commander pending designation of the latter]
That the Standing Group should exercise highest strategic direction in the areas of operations of the integrated NAT force and determine the military requirements of that force.
That the Defense Committee be directed to consider as a matter of urgency the steps necessary to effect the consequent changes and simplification required in the existing military structure of the NATO and related military organizations.

  1. Prepared by the NATO Deputies and introduced by Secretary Acheson at the third meeting of the Foreign Ministers on September 13. For the minutes of this meeting, see p. 1209.
  2. Brackets throughout the document appear in the source text.