320/11–250: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 216. Palestine Working Group met with representatives UKDel morning November 2 to discuss tactics on PRA item in Ad Hoc Committee. Following points covered:

Sponsorship of resolution. Group agreed it would be desirable for resolution in support PRA report be sponsored by UK, US, France, Turkey and Canada.
Method of financing. We explained our present preference for procedure involving reference resolution without financial clauses to Committee 5 for advice as to best means of financing program. UK representatives strongly defended voluntary contribution system. They stressed their belief that method of financing is political matter which should be decided in Ad Hoc Committee. They thought it quite possible that refugee program needs may exceed funds available, and objected to any procedure whereby nations would be expected to accept obligations they might not be able to honor. UK representatives also maintained that changing from voluntary to assessment system might [Page 1042] throw open question of organization of agency and create possibility undesirable elements who might contribute under assessment system might also seek representation in agency. UK representatives believed present method, whereby agency in effect controlled by UK and US but other nations participated through voluntary contributions, eminently satisfactory.
Since no agreement was reached on this point it was decided to consider it again at an early date.1
Resolution. UK representatives expressed general agreement with resolution as contained in position paper.2 They had several suggestions for strengthening resolution and it was decided to meet again evening November 2 to work out possible changes.

  1. The Department, on November 3, instructed the United States Mission at the United Nations that “If final attempt secure acceptance US financial proposals PRA by co-sponsors fails, Ross in conversation with co-sponsors and UK in particular shld attempt secure agreement to have PRA financing discussed Comite 5 only, and then only after decision on Korea financing, in recognition agreement on our part not to oppose a continuation voluntary financing PRA when taken up Comite 5.” (Telegram Gadel 91, 320/11–350)
  2. US/A/AC.38/191, not printed.