320/11–350: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 228. Following are Delga decisions November 3:

Palestine Refugees. Ad Hoc Political Committee situation described and draft resolution (US/A/AC.38/191)1 summarized. It was explained difficult decision would have to be taken on financing of program; it had been hoped at least tentative commitments from number other countries re their contributions could be obtained before action on program taken in committee and resolution adopted. Present negotiations disclosed impossibility obtaining such commitments, so that it now appeared necessary for committee to approve program without specific financial provisions. We would hope between now and time program sent to Congress for action information would become available re financial support forthcoming from other UN members. Delegation aware of problem which would arise in event US turned out to be sole or main contributor to UN program. Relationship between financing Palestine refugee program and Korean relief noted. It was stated it would also be desirable, insofar as possible, to integrate our [Page 1043] unilateral economic program in NE with refugee program. Delegation accepted draft resolution as basis for further negotiations other delegations.2

[Here follows final paragraph dealing with the “Cuban item on representation”.]

  1. Dated October 30, not printed.
  2. Ambassador Austin, at 1:19 a. m. on November 3, informed the Department that “We are in urgent need of further instructions for conduct of Palestine refugee case in Ad Hoc Political Committee. Committee adjourned this afternoon [November 2] until Saturday morning [November 4]. Parliamentary situation such I consider essential we be prepared introduce and speak to resolution at Saturday’s meeting. Time fortunately [unfortunately?] available Friday less than minimum needed for perfection resolution with co-sponsors (UK, France, Turkey, Canada) and for discussions with Arab, Israeli and other delegations. We are meeting with British again this evening, with co-sponsors at 11 Friday morning, and will have other discussions Friday afternoon. Meanwhile, however, we do not have basis for carrying on this work in absence of decision on method of financing.” (Telegram Delga 222 from New York, 320/11–350) The summary of the Committee’s deliberations on November 2 is printed in GA (V), Ad Hoc Political Committee, pp. 199 ff.

    Actually it was as early as November 2 that the U.S. Delegation began discussions with several foreign delegations to secure agreement on a draft resolution for assistance to Palestine refugees. The Delegation reported these developments in various telegrams which are filed under 320 in Department of State records.