320/10–2651: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 11. For Ross.1 Ref urtel Delga 4.2

[Here follows discussion of Department of State views regarding certain elections that were to take place at the Sixth Regular Session of the General Assembly.]

[Page 268]

2. Chi Rep

Dept understands Deptel 180 to USUN sent Hyde3 with Ms files. If this not case please inform immed. Re para Delga 4 Oct 20 concerning opening plenary of 6th session Dept does not expect Chi Rep issue arise connection agenda item on appointment Credentials Comite but will be raised as usual by Sovs at outset session. For that reason Dept stated Deptel 180 we might wish for procedural motion made by pre-arrangement Entezam before any substantive proposals made in order procedural motion will be put first. Dept concerned re points raised by UKDel reported NY’s 514 Oct 22 relayed Paris same date, that there shld be mere adjournment sine die rather than postponement for entire session and, secondly, that there shld not be specific provision for seating Chi Nationalists. Re first point, there is no insurance against matter being raised repeatedly by Sovs and other Dels, particularly in case of armistice, unless matter settled once and for all at outset along some such line as we suggested. We shld be able meet UK worry that session will last entire year by indication our opposition this course in present circumstances and intention confine session shortest possible period with adjournment at Paris. While we wld prefer postponement for entire session, if necessary to obtain UK agreement we wld be prepared accept provision for postponement for length Paris session GA. Re second point, while we are not committed at this stage to any specific language in procedural motion we cannot see slightest possibility of action along lines of moratorium agreement without it being specifically understood that Reps Nationalist Govt be seated since Dels accredited anew each GA session. While it was possible finesse this point TC and other bodies in application adjournment motion, we think situation much different in case GA which is largest UN forum. You will recall that last year Can Res provided specifically for seating Chi Nationalists.

While we do not expect procedure this matter can be firmly agreed upon with UK prior arrival USDel Paris, pls make clear to Jebb the above points which we consider essential in working out satis procedure for giving effect to our standing arrangement with UK.

[Here follows discussion of other matters.]

  1. John G. Ross, Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council, and head of the advance party at Paris.
  2. Dated October 20, not printed.
  3. James N. Hyde, Adviser on Security Council Affairs, USUN, was a member of the advance party in Paris.