320/12–1351: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 659. Ref Delga 645.

1. Re last ballot SC election today, we estimate that 23 states voting for Byelorussia included fol: 5 Soviets, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Afghanistan, Israel, Burma, Indonesia, India, Iran, Syria or Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Uruguay, Guatemala, Mexico, Chile and possibly Iraq. Kyrou’s list checks with this.

2. As indicated Delga 645 UK is being very coy. UK has told Kyrou, however, they voted for Greece on 4th ballot.

3. Greece wld have been only 3 votes short if South Africa had been present. Kyrou intends ask Donges attend next plenary for SC election and we plan see South Africa and second this idea. We have been informed that Norway and Denmark were about to switch to Greece when further balloting was postponed. Kyrou believes there is some possibility that he may be able to persuade one or two Asian states to cast blank ballots and thus cut down required majority. We will assist Kyrou’s efforts. We believe, barring some unusual development, that Greece can be elected with modest efforts on our part in 3 or 4 more ballots.

Sent Dept Delga 659, rptd info Athens 73.
