320/12–1351: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)1


Gadel 471. Re Delga 659 Dec 13 Dept suggests light possibility Iraq voting for Byelorussia, USDel might if it thinks useful approach [Page 130] Jamali2 along fol lines: US keenly aware deep interest Iraq in this issue and strongly hopes Jamali in position urge his Govt’s unqualified support for Grk candidacy. Del shld play on theme that US recognizes importance Iraqi Govt attaches Jamali’s recommendations;3 US therefore approaching him Paris in hope he will recommend to his Govt that it support Greece. Del cld also refer instances his valuable support in past which we greatly appreciate.

  1. Repeated for information to Baghdad as 321.
  2. Mohamed Padhil Al-Jamali, Chairman of the Delegation of Iraq to the General Assembly.
  3. Dr. Jamali was also President of the Iraqi Chamber of Deputies.