293.0011/8–1551: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State


883. Embtel 814, Aug 10. On Aug 11 Lamb submitted to FonOff draft note and memo re plight foreigners, to be presented CPG. As FonOff will revise and then circularize Scandinavian countries, Neth, Belg, Commonwealth and US for their approval, Emb not forwarding texts.

In general note will express grave concern Brit Govt at developments in China prejudicial to Brit commercial and other interests and to general conditions of life fon residents. Memo to be submitted with note will describe Brit difficulties at greater length and particularly mention disquiet created by numerous arrests of foreigners and denial normal rights to arrested persons. It will warn that such treatment must have serious repercussion on public opinion abroad, and express hope Chi will study possibility adjustment and amelioration of difficulties described, not only on humanitarian and equitable grounds but also in interests trade and friendly relations.

Under date Aug 13 Lamb reported:

Both Swedish Min and Norwegian rep were sympathetic to idea of representations but doubted whether their natls interests sufficiently affected to justify similar representations at present. Therefore Lamb felt no need delay on this account publicity re Brit representations.
While Peiping reps all feel there shld be no public disclosure of joint consultations re concerted action, Lamb raised no objection to publicity re Brit representations only, altho wld prefer that actual text communication to Chi not be made public. In his opinion there shld be no publicity until at least one week after representations made.
Lamb not sanguine re success representations but believes chances will be appreciably improved if number of other govts record their concern. He particularly hopes that gen insistence on principles of human liberties and fair conditions of trade might persuade Chi give more sympathetic consideration to representations regarding individual cases in future, although he feels they not likely modify policy or withdraw existing restrictions and impositions.

Re suggested approach to USSR for assistance (para 3, Deptel 806, Aug 4), Lamb has commented to FonOff he sees no objection, provided US made request independently, without reference Brit representations in Peiping.
