793B.00/8–1351: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Calcutta

top secret   priority

81. Dept has given careful consideration ur 114 rptd New Delhi 110 Aug 13 and has concluded that indeterminable advantage of sending single or dupl ltrs bearing authentic imprint US Govt to Lhasa officials wld be outweighed by clear danger ltr wld fall into Commie hands and definitely unfavorable effect of later revelation of ltr by Commies. To be of use to Kashag, US Govt wld have appear commit itself to courses action such as financial and arms aid which it is not in position explicitly to do. Revelation of DOC with misconstruction placed on it by Commie world wld undoubtedly be useful in depicting US to Asia in role cast for us by our adversaries. Revelation wld probably be damaging to us with respect GOI and tend lessen Indian resentment toward CPG which may develop as Chi Commie control over Tibet consolidated.

FYI, DL in ltr (via urdes 37, Jul 23)1 as read to us by Taktser, expressly named latter as his rep in US and for contact with officials here whenever necessary.

You shld explain to [name deleted] in gen terms possibility misuse letters and say our confidence is not as great as … and Ragashar’s apparently is as to ability DL and Tib auths to have unrestrained action for very long if Chi Commie entry into country is allowed continue at present pace. In ur discretion recount very considerable nr of communications passed and offers of assistance and support already made by this Govt and Amers. Shld be noted that offer of Amers assist DL and entourage in asylum calls first for indication desire and intent DL to leave and that any move this regard wld thus be for Tibetans to initiate.

  1. Not printed.