751.5622/3–554: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France1


3541. Defense has informed us carrier Belleau Wood scheduled sail Toulon April 7 bound Indian port with cargo MD–450 aircraft for sale Indian Government (Paris 3216).2 When vessel was turned over to French it was our clear understanding she would load naval fighter aircraft in France and arrive in Indochinese waters during March in operational condition. Therefore even though Belleau Wood continues on from India to Indochina she will not have her aircraft aboard. In light recent urgent French matériel requests along this line, it seems to us incomprehensible French should proceed this manner. Over and above urgent need for carriers and carrier-based aircraft which French insist exists, their action utilizing US ship loaned for operational purposes in essentially commercial venture would be impossible explain to American public should it become known.

Defense has made known its views to MAAG3 but Department believes you, after coordinating with MAAG, should additionally make known our thoughts along above lines to Foreign Office.

  1. Drafted by McBride of WE. Repeated for information to Saigon as telegram 1886.
  2. Telegram 3216 from Paris, Mar. 5, regarding the sale of aircraft by France to India, is not printed. (751.5622/3–554)
  3. For a memorandum on this subject by Brig. Gen. C. H. Bonesteel III, Defense Member of the NSC Planning Board, to Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Chairman of the Planning Board, see United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967, Book 9, pp. 380–381.