449. Letter From the Deputy Under Secretary of State (Murphy) to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Gray)1

Dear Mr. Gray: The Department of State has received a note from the Colombian Government, a copy of which is enclosed, requesting the loan of two destroyers under the provisions of the bilateral Military Assistance Agreement with Colombia.2 It will be noted that the Colombian Government offers to pay the cost of rehabilitation for the two destroyers on the understanding that this would be refunded if the United States, in its security interests, repossesses the vessels during the period of the loan agreement. Although the Colombian Government has offered to pay the cost of rehabilitation, the Colombian Ambassador has indicated informally that his Government considers Colombia is not receiving equitable treatment from the United States under the grant military program. In this connection, he referred to the legislation now pending in the [Page 899] Congress to loan two submarines to Brazil and to pay the cost of rehabilitation from MDAP funds. I should like to suggest, therefore, if the Department of Defense decides that there is a military justification for providing two destroyers to Colombia, that consideration be given to rehabilitating one or both vessels with MDAP funds.

From the political point of view it would appear desirable to respond favorably to the Colombian request. This request should, however, be considered in the context of a program for the loan of naval vessels to Latin American countries as suggested in my letter to you of October 7, 1955.3 I should appreciate being advised of your Department’s decision on this request and, if favorable, whether it is planned to introduce enabling legislation during the present session of Congress.

You will recall that the interests of the Colombian Government in acquiring destroyers has been the subject of previous representations by the Colombian Government and that a request for two destroyers is included in the Colombian note of December 30, 1955, which was referred to you by Mr. Hill’s letter of January 20, 1956.4

Sincerely yours,

Robert Murphy5
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 721.5621/3–756. Confidential.
  2. The note is not printed. In a memorandum of conversation dated March 7, Gerberich reported that Ambassador Urrutia handed to Holland a note from his government requesting that the vessels be made available on loan from the U.S. mothball fleet as this would be less expensive than repairing the destroyers already owned by Colombia. (Ibid., 721.5–MSP/3–756)
  3. Not found in Department of State files.
  4. Robert C. Hill, Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs. This letter was not found in Department of State files.
  5. Printed from a copy which bears this typed signature.