174. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 321. Re membership.

Martin (Canada) told me today that the ad hoc committee would take up the membership resolution Thursday or Friday. I urged him to give us at least until next week to try to persuade the ChiNats to come to a reasonable view. Martin professed great sympathy but did not commit himself.
By way of background, it should be recalled that when I first pointed out to Martin the seriousness of his activities, I stressed the likelihood that they would provoke a ChiNat veto, and that this would create a great strain on US-UK relations which could not but have dangerous implications for Canada. …
Request instructions on US policy on Canadian resolution and Soviet amendments.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/11–2155. Secret; Niact; Limited Distribution.