77. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

1496. Re Embtel 1424 Jan 29.2 Black has had separate talks with German and French Ambassadors Cairo re High Dam. Both interested in forms of their respective coparticipation, would be for 12-year term and tied to French suppliers. Black explained to them that (for reasons indicated reftel) credits extended by their countries to Egypt would merely reduce size Bank’s loan to Egypt. German Ambassador appeared to take understanding attitude toward problem, but not French Ambassador who said his job was to look after French interests. However, according Black’s info, French representative Herrenschmidt (see reftel) not coming to Cairo.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 874.2614/2–456. Confidential. Received at 8:06 p.m. Repeated to London, Bonn, and Paris.
  2. Document 50.