277. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

538. Reference: Embtel 532 repeated USUN 14.2 As reported reference telegram had dinner engagement Prime Minister Rifai last night, however, half hour before dinner scheduled begin Rifai telephoned King Hussein and Rais Diwan Talhuni had come his home unexpectedly requested I join them asking had urgent matter wished discuss with me. Following important points our conversation which lasted over three hours.

(A) Hussein asked Rifai fill me in latest developments Jordan complaint GA. Rifai said had received cable which gave text proposed resolution sponsored by group European/Latin American States and which supported by US/UK.3 Hussein said resolution most disappointing not only fails condemn UAR continuous subversive attacks Jordan/Lebanon but does nothing constructive only authorizes SYG Hammarskjold make another trip Jordan forlorn hope will be able sell HKJ some adaptation UN police force, UNOGIL secure agreement stationing team monitor radio broadcasts. King believes major purpose proposed resolution is “save face” UN which has once again demonstrated it either unwilling or unable come grips real problem world peace. He reiterated HKJ could not accept either UN police force observer groups and would only countenance monitoring team if UAR/Iraq agreed accept same. However, in order avoid charge HKJ unwilling cooperate UN, Hussein agreed “go along” resolution although he regards proposed Hammarskjold visit as waste of time. He has now come conclusion placing Jordan complaint before UN was mistake merely resulted loss valuable time during critical period which Jordan can ill afford. [12½ lines of source text not declassified]

(B) King said had another subject on which he wished me report my government soonest. Asked if I knew of British attempt establish Nicosia/Amman airlink using planes Eagle Aviation Company. At this point Rifai took over conversation. Said British approached HKJ requested views desirability finding some means partial replacement Cyprus/Amman military airlift. In due course advance proposal Eagle Aviation Company under exclusive charter British War Office should [Page 487] make bi-weekly flights transporting only military personnel/high priority supplies. No mention was made any stop Israel. Subsequently British without further consultation HKJ concluded agreement GOI providing overflight Israel with two way landing Lydda. Radio Israel immediately announced inauguration new air service Nicosia/Lydda/Amman, which came as bombshell Jordan Government prompted several cabinet members threaten resign if deal went through.

RIFAI summoned British Ambassador Johnston who said he not fully informed promised get all facts report Rifai. When he saw Prime Minister again he said HMG took position establishment airlink between sixteenth paratrooper brigade Amman with its rear echelon Cyprus mandatory. Johnston was instructed by Prime Minister Macmillan inform HKJ it must either agree landings Lydda or HMG would be compelled consider withdrawal British troops from Jordan. Rifai furious told Johnston British threat example “ballistic blackmail” mentioned President Eisenhower speech GA, if British thought they were back in days Glubb Pasha (RIFAI largely instrumental his removal) they were mistaken. Although he unable reply officially without consulting King Hussein, his personal reaction if British intend use such high handed methods better they withdraw troops immediately. Rifai reported British ultimatum Hussein who ordered special meeting Council Ministers. Their reaction unanimous condemnation British with several Ministers threatening resign if government acceeded British demand. Later King Hussein called in Ambassador Johnston, told him HKJ unable agree British proposal. If troops withdrawn that HMG decision. Johnston said he would transmit King’s answer Prime Minister Macmillan at once.

[Paragraph (C) (14½ lines of source text) not declassified]

(D) Hussein expressed opinion Saudi Arabia likely next target Nasser aggression. Said local Saudi Arabian Chargé Kuhaymi suspected passing out money at Crown Prince Faisal direction pro-Nasser elements Jordan. HKJ keeping close watch his activities, but on basis past experience, doubt if money will be effectively employed.

Comment: Gravity with which Hussein views situation reflected his drawn face emotional tone speech. Both King/RIFAI convinced nothing productive will come out GA, however, both agree HKJ must “go through with drill” order avoid stigma it presented case SC then refused accept any UN recommendations. I am convinced Hussein/RIFAI see US military/economic aid as last hope Jordan. Hussein said if this is abandoned by West, he will go down fighting. [9 lines of source text not declassified] Hussein reasons British “get tough attitude” over Lydda landings stems from their desire force Jordan reach modus vivendi with Israel. There is no doubt Hussein fully appreciates precarious position his country. I am sure time is not far off when he will [Page 488] demand know how much he can expect way tangible evidence US military support when he will get it, for without it, neither he nor Jordan can long endure.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 785.00/8–1758. Top Secret; Niact; Noforn. Repeated to USUN.
  2. In telegram 532 from Amman, August 16, Wright reported on an exchange with British Ambassador Johnston in which Johnston discussed a recent conversation with Prime Minister Rifai. Johnson discussed the continuing opposition of Hussein and Rifai to the stationing of a U.N. peacekeeping force in Jordan. (Ibid., 785.00/8–1658)
  3. See footnote 3, Document 271.