341. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan1

928. You should inform King we understand he desires our views as to what actions Jordan might ask UN to take in regard to continuing subversive activity by UAR in Jordan and also wishes to know what support Jordan might expect to receive from US in UN should Jordan raise this matter there.

You should inform Hussein that as we see it indirect aggression against Jordan through subversive activities from outside created a situation which led to appeal by HKJ to US and UK for assistance, to ready response by both governments to this appeal and to discussion in Special UNGA session of indirect aggression against Jordan and Lebanon. Outcome was adoption of resolution sponsored by Arab states designed to bring an end to subversive interference by one NE state in another and request to SYG to set up arrangements whereby UN could buttress this pledge by NE states. SYG in discussions with states concerned and in agreement with them has set in motion steps designed to achieve purpose with which he was charged. Such machinery would appear to be appropriate vehicle for handling instances of continuing subversive activity against Jordan since it is precisely such development which measures SYG requested to carry out were designed to inhibit.

Accordingly it would be our view that if Jordan has sound evidence of continuing subversion directed from outside this evidence should be presented to SYG through new channel he has established (Spinelli)2 in order give SYG opportunity take appropriate action to bring end to these activities. US views as to what further UN action might be appropriate, and manner in which US could be helpful, would depend in important measure upon SYG’s findings and results his efforts.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 785.00/10–258. Secret. Drafted by Rockwell and cleared by Sisco and Rountree.
  2. Pier P. Spinelli, U.N. Under-Secretary in charge of the European office of the United Nations in Geneva, was appointed by Hammarskjöld as Ambassador and Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Jordan.