134. Telegram From Director of Central Intelligence Raborn to the Central Intelligence Agency Station in Saigon1

DIR 03194. 1. There still remains considerable concern here with regard to real intentions of Buddhists as they jostle for and acquire political power in South Vietnam. [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] has done several studies on this subject, most recent pouched to you under [document number not declassified].2 For most part, studies conclude that Buddhists, while desiring to lessen American impact on Vietnam society, would probably realize that American presence is necessary to defend South Vietnam against DRV aggression. At same time, studies caution that Buddhists, while grasping for political power, may make certain deals with DRV or VC, find themselves hopelessly entangled with opposition and, therefore, became involved in a neutralist movement/request our departure/make deal with NLF, etc.

2. All this being said, we still do not really know what real intentions of Buddhists are. Request Station pay particular attention to acquiring necessary information through Buddhist assets so that a more definitive assessment of Buddhist intentions will become possible.3 Would be most helpful if current requirements levied [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] would include acquiring information on specific intentions of Buddhists should they achieve a dominant position in a civil govt or should they fail in their bid for power. Perhaps if we hammer away in a concentrated manner for next several weeks we can clarify this murky picture.

  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DOD/EA Files, Job 92–00428R, File 137–6–72/3, TUBRACE, Buddhist Operations. Secret.
  2. Not found.
  3. A CIA report on its religious project in South Vietnam dated May 1966, [text not declassified]. The objectives of the project included obtaining “information on the organizations, including factional differences, personalities, activities, and intentions” and channeling their energies “toward social, educational, and anti-communist political activities.” Buddhist operations included past successes at moderating the attitudes of the “radical factions in the Buddhist leadership.” (Central Intelligence Agency, DDO/EA Files, Job 92–00428R, File 137–6–72/3, TUBRACE, Buddhist Operations)