76. Memorandum by the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Ellsworth)1


  • Secretaries of the Military Departments
  • Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Director, Defense Research and Engineering
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)
  • Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence)/Director of Defense Intelligence
  • Director, National Reconnaissance Office
  • Director, Planning and Evaluation
  • Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Director, National Security Agency
  • Director, Net Assessment


  • Defense Intelligence Board

As I announced on 14 May, the Secretary has approved the establishment of a Defense Intelligence Board to assist me in insuring the maximum effectiveness and responsiveness of DoD intelligence operations in meeting user needs.

To this end, I will look to the Board to do the following:

  • —Identify key user needs and priorities.
  • —Appraise the effectiveness of the intelligence response in meeting these needs, and develop ways of making this response better.
  • —Determine needed actions on key intelligence issues and problems; initiate those actions which Board members may take without further approval; recommend to me actions which require approval of higher authority.
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An additional, and equally important, purpose of the Board is to provide a forum for frequent contact between key users and service intelligence operating and management officials. I regard this sort of regular face-to-face dialog as indispensable for proper understanding by intelligence of what is wanted and understanding by users of what intelligence is capable of doing.

The Board will be chaired by the ASD(I)/DDI when that official is appointed; in the interim, I will act as Chairman. I would like either you or your designated senior representative with authority to speak for you to serve on the Board. In the case of the Military Departments, I would suggest that the Service “operations deputies” would be suitable representatives. Similarly, I would suggest the Director, Joint Staff, as the Chairman’s representative.

In addition to the Board proper, I propose that there be two working panels, representing users and intelligence producers respectively, and a third panel on intelligence resources.

Board membership and proposed panel purposes and membership are summarized on the attachment.

I would like to have the Board meet at least monthly. After a trial period of six months, I will report to the Secretary on the progress and usefulness of the Board and provide a recommendation with respect to its continuation.

I would appreciate being informed of Board member names by Tuesday, 25 May. I intend to hold the first meeting at breakfast on Thursday, 27 May.

Robert Ellsworth



  • Chairman ad interim: Deputy Secretary Ellsworth
  • Principals or Representatives of:
  • —Secretaries of the Military Departments
  • —Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • —Director, Defense Research and Engineering
  • —Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)
  • —Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Analysis and Evaluation)
  • —Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence)/Director Defense Intelligence
  • —Director, National Reconnaissance Office
  • —Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
  • —Director, National Security Agency
  • —Director, Net Assessment


User Panel

Charter. To consider intelligence requirements and formulate recommendations pertaining to the satisfaction of intelligence needs of Defense components in the Washington area, in the Service Training establishments in the unified and specified commands and in the Military Departments.

Chairman: Principal or representative of Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)

Principals or representatives of:

  • • Secretaries of the Military Departments
  • • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • • Director, Defense Research and Engineering
  • • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Analysis and Evaluation)
  • • Director, Net Assessment
  • • Others as may be requested from time to time by the Chairman to address specific topics.

Meetings: Monthly, or on call of the Chairman

Producers Panel

Charter. To consider intelligence user requirements, intelligence quality enhancement measures, production delegation tasks, and collection requirements needed to support new, expanded or more economical production efforts and to address participation in the NFIB by DoD representatives as well as formulating recommendations for consideration and/or implementation by the DDI and, as appropriate, by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Chairman: Director, Defense Intelligence Agency/Deputy DDI for Production, Plans and Operations

Principals or representatives of:

  • • Director, National Security Agency
  • • Director, National Reconnaissance Office
  • • Service Intelligence Chiefs

Meetings: Monthly, or on call of the Chairman

Resources Panel

Charter. To consider the adequacy of resources to support intelligence needs and to formulate basic and alternative program and [Page 261] budget proposals for consideration by Program Managers, the DDI, the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Committee on Foreign Intelligence with respect to their presentation to the OMB and the Congress.

Chairman: Deputy ASD(I)/DDI for Programs and Resources

Principals or representatives of:

  • • Director, DIA/Deputy DDI for Production, Plans and Operations
  • • Director, National Reconnaissance Office
  • • Director, National Security Agency
  • • Service Intelligence Chiefs
  • • Others as appropriate for the panel’s operation

Meetings: On call of the Chairman

  1. Source: Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA Command Files 1970s, Box 3, DIA Command 1976. Secret; Codeword.
  2. Secret; Codeword.