344. Telegram 3959 From the Embassy in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1

3959. Subject: Kidnapping of PAO Barbara Hutchinson.

1. At about 11:15 am today four men armed with machine guns kidnapped Barbara Hutchinson, PAO, in front of the USIS building as she was leaving her office, after guard at building had been overpow [Page 909] ered. Miss Hutchinson was taken to Venezuelan consulate, where she is currently being held as hostage along with Venezuelan consul, Venezuelan vice consul and two other persons.

2. Captors permitted Hutchinson telephone Ambassador to verify where she was and that she was unharmed, though a prisoner. Thereupon one captor took telephone and identified himself as Rhadames Mendez Vargas of Liberation Movement 12th of January. Mendez informed Ambassador that movement had issued communiqué denouncing Balaguer government and stating terms for Hutchinson release (we have not yet seen communiqué). Mendez continued that movement sought release from prison of Dr. Plinio Matas, a demand he characterized as non-negotiable. In addition, he said, if U.S. wished to free Hutchinson, one million dollars had to be paid. He stated that all terms had to be met within twenty-four hours.

3. Foregoing has been communicated to palace. Ambassador has requested appointment with President to discuss matter.

  1. Summary: The Embassy reported the kidnapping of Public Affairs Officer Barbara Hutchison by gunmen demanding the release from prison of an opposition militant.

    Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D740273–0418. Limited Official Use; Flash. Repeated Immediate to USUN and Caracas. In a September 27 memorandum, Kissinger informed President Ford of the kidnapping. (Ford Library, National Security Adviser Papers, Presidential Country Files for Latin America, Box 4, Dominican Republic) In the days that followed, the standoff that developed between the kidnappers and Dominican authorities was the subject of multiple telegrams from Santo Domingo, including telegram 4044 of October 2, telegram 4170 of October 8, and telegrams 4201 and 4202 both October 9. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D740277–0869, D740286–0060, D740286–0056, except telegram 4170, which is in the Ford Library, National Security Adviser Papers, Presidential Country Files for Latin America, Box 4, Dominican Republic—State Department Telegrams—To Secstate—Nodis) In airgram A–76, January 7, 1975, the Department provided a detailed account of the kidnapping episode to all ARA posts. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P750005–0109)