246. Paper Prepared in the Department of State1


November 4, 1980

The following is a tabular representation of the Habib Committee’s 63 recommendations, with an indication of their disposition.2

[Page 977] [Page 978] [Page 979]
A. Recruitment
1. Consolidate State recruitment in one office. X
2. Office director to be Deputy Asst. Secretary. Studied and amended
3. Necessary staff and budget for new office. X
4. Close liaison with I.C.A. X Continuing program
5. Ask M/EEO for advice and suggestions on recruitment. X
6. Utilize Pearson, Dip. in Res. and Univ. Trainees. X
7. Provide recruitment materials to speakers. X Continuing program
8. PA and CPL to include recruitment in programs. X
9. Target scholar-diplomat program on special colleges. X
10. Ask for mid-level candidates from P.C., Pearson,3 etc. X
11. Open mid-level to State domestic employees. X
12. M/DG to assign personnel to new office promptly. X
13. Ask all officers to recruit during travel. X Continuing program
14. Rewrite exam booklet. X
15. Write general booklet on FS careers. X
16. Place in media articles on FS women and minorities. X Continuing program
17. Advertising to stress FS exam as means of entry. X Continuing program
18. New office to research dates, places, and organizations. X
19. Hire consultant to train office staff recruiters. Studied; funds disapproved
20. Set up training program for part-time recruiters. X
B. Written Examination
1. Retain written exam. X
2. Hire consultants to exam tests for bias. X To be repeated
3. Set up research capability to monitor exam and job analysis. Funds disapproved
4. Ask for bids on FY 81 and FY 82 exams. X For FY 81
5. Give equal weight to EE and FB sections. X
6. Eliminate FF section, increase FB section. X
7. Tap pool of near-passers. X
8. Beginning 12/80 use differential cut score. Studied and amended
9. Study giving exam more than once per year. Studied and rejected
10. Avoid conflict of exam dates with LSAT, etc. Studied and rejected
C. Affirmative Action Junior Officer Program
1. For FY 80, catch-up goal is 43, later about 15%. X Goal exceeded for FY 80
2. Recapture 35 minority assessment passers. X
3. Consider differential cut-score on assessment. Studied and rejected
4. Rewrite FRP standards and give credit for strength. X
5. Maintain single register for minority candidates. X By choice
6. More thorough entry-level training. X
7. Rotate assignments for career candidates. X
8. PER to alert supervisors to develop career candidates. X
9. Eliminate second oral for AAJOP. X
10. Set up coordinator for intern programs in REE. X
11. Reduce number of disparate entry routes into FS. X Under review. FS Act of 1980 relates.4
D. Assessment Center
1. Retain center. X
2. Remove in-basket from FS setting, 1 hour. X
3. Interview to be one hour, 3 on 1. X Studied and amended
4. Improve content of group exercise. X
5. Inform candidates of dimensions observed. X
6. Improve physical setting of center. X
7. Select well-qualified deputy examiners. X Continuing program, hampered by problems of availability and image.
8. Dept. and I.C.A. to assign appropriate personnel. X Some admin support positions in center still vacant.
E. Mid-Level Program
1. Goal of 33 for FY 80. Achieved 25, which is considerable improvement; moreover pipeline looks promising for FY 81.
2. Approve qualifications standards for M/L screening. X
3. Approve standards for evaluation panels. X
4. PER to take over ARC function. X
5. Recruitment personnel should counsel candidates. X Continuing program
6. Review oral exam for FS bias. X Under review
7. BEX to develop plan for assessment of candidates. X
8. Provide training for M/L entrants. X Continuing program
9. Rewrite, clarify and distribute material on program. X
10. Explain reasons for rejection to all candidates. X Continuing program
11. Expedite security clearance for M/L. X Continuing program
12. Eliminate second oral. X Being negotiated with AFSA
13. Restrict number of FSR-3 entries. Disapproved
14. M/EEO to keep statistics on program. X
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Under Secretary for Management (M), 1980, Box 8, Chron November 17–22, 1980. No classification marking.
  2. Regarding the Habib Committee report, see footnote 2, Document 231 and Document 238.
  3. See footnote 3, Document 128.
  4. P.L. 96–465. See Documents 181 and 183.