81. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) to President Reagan1


  • Decision Package on START & Build-down Issues for Round V of the START Negotiations

Issue. Does the draft NSDD (Tab A)2 reflect your decisions concerning START and the build-down initiative?

Facts. The paper provided at Tab B3 reflects a position on build-down that was used to gain the support of both the Scowcroft Commission and the “group of six.”

Tab C is a more detailed description4 of the recommended U.S. build-down initiative and the related modifications to our START position. It was developed by the NSC staff and is not necessarily concurred in by all Departments and Agencies.

Tab D is an NSC staff analysis5 of each of the elements of the recommended build-down initiative and the modifications to our START position. It identifies:

—the specific elements of the build-down initiative;

—the other START related issues discussed at the September 29th NSPG6 and requiring decision;

—the views of those who would argue against each of the elements of the U.S. package recommended in the draft NSDD; and,

NSC staff recommendations.

Discussion. The various issues are summarized best at Tab D. This summary recommends a build-down initiative along the lines of the guidance you previously provided and the establishment of a working group to discuss the initiative during Round V. It also recommends that you approve the two items upon which there was consensus at [Page 290] the September 29th NSPG (further ALCM limits and a ban on ALCMs with multiple nuclear warheads), but recommends that you defer decision on the two more controversial items (SLCM limits and elimination of the 2500 ICBM RV sub-limit) until a later time.

The draft NSDD provided at Tab A reflects the recommendations.


________ ________ That you approve the draft NSDD provided at Tab A.7
  1. Source: National Security Council, National Security Council Institutional Files, Box SR 0106 [START]. Secret. Sent for action. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “Signed.”
  2. Printed as Document 82.
  3. Attached but not printed is an October 3 paper, “START—Preparation for Round V.”
  4. Attached but not printed is an October 3 paper, “NSC Staff Internal Description of the START/Build-Down Package.”
  5. Attached but not printed is an undated paper, “NSC Staff Analysis of the START/Build-down Initiative.”
  6. See footnote 2, Document 80.
  7. Reagan initialed his approval. In a statement from the Rose Garden the same day, Reagan declared: “When the START negotiations resume tomorrow, the United States delegation will again have sustained flexibility. Within the framework of the basic principles that have guided us throughout these negotiations, I am directing Ambassador Rowny to offer the following new initiatives. We’re incorporating into START a series of build-down proposals. The United States will introduce a proposal for a mutual, guaranteed build-down, designed to encourage stabilizing systems. The proposal will include specific provisions for building down ballistic warheads and, concurrently, for addressing a parallel build-down on bombers.” (“Remarks to Reporters Announcing New United States Initiatives in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks,” Public Papers: Reagan, 1982, vol. 2, pp. 1411–1412).