179. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

Gadel 121. Re UN Membership. Department agrees it would be most unfortunate if Canadian resolution were brought up this week in Ad Hoc Committee for action. We had assumed Palestine refugee item would occupy Committee until end of week. However, in view Martin’s intentions reported Delga 3212 we believe important make renewed efforts to persuade him (1) move in GA this week most unwise and undesirable, (2) SC action first preferable.

Canadian Embassy informed Department November 7 Canada would be reluctant see situation move too quickly in GA, recognized it might not be helpful to precipitate Assembly vote before attitudes of permanent SC members were clear and wished concert with US, UK and French on timing. We fail understand why, particularly in absence clarification of Chinese position, Martin now determined move regardless our opposition and certainly without French and probably UK concurrence.

Suggest you emphasize to Martin our view that premature Canadian initiative in GA might jeopardize prospect for membership solution, particularly our judgment that operation can succeed only on the basis of careful advance planning. If you think it would be persuasive in deterring Martin from pressing for early GA action you could indicate US would undoubtedly have to request separate votes on individual applicants listed in Soviet amendment. Probable result of this procedure would be significantly smaller vote for satellites (probably less than required two-thirds), which might arouse Soviet suspicions re satellites’ prospects for admission and thus undermine basis for going ahead. Should any such situation eventuate review of membership problem in its entirety would be required.

You might also reiterate need for further consultations with Chinese and in confidence indicate that US is taking every feasible step to induce China not to block settlement.

Request you report results your conversation with Martin soonest so we may consider together whether matter should also be taken up in Ottawa. This message and Delga 321 being repeated [Page 393] Ottawa for background in event it becomes necessary raise subject with External Affairs.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/11–2255. Secret. Repeated to Ottawa.
  2. Document 174.