225. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

251. Paris for USRO, West and Thurston. Reference: Ankara telegram 333 to Department,2 Embassy telegram 248.3 Embassy appraisal based on all information available from HKJ military/civilian sources including King Hussein, Prime Minister Rifai, Lt. Gen. Majali, CG Jordan Army, situation does not justify sending US troops Jordan.

My opinion GOT evaluation Jordan like that other Baghdad Pact members biased. Their concern over fate Iraq desire redress balance which they feel can only be done if US maneuvered into accepting much larger participation military intervention ME understood.

As pointed up Embassy telegrams 211 and 2144 neither Hussein/RIFAI can make case for US troops. Increasing evidence British military at local level believe their assignment Jordan basically wrong from military standpoint. Furthermore Nicosia type approach Jordan public has created widespread resentment British “reoccupation”. Quite naturally British would be most happy share their grief with US. In view

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British interest Iraq/Kuwait, especially latter, I suspect British would like free 16th Brigade comprised special purpose airborne troops permit them take part operation designed prevent further losses possibly salvage some already sustained. This could only be done providing British have someone to whom they could turn over present task in Jordan. This would place US in same awkward situation from which British would like to extract themselves of being principal target deep/widespread popular resentment. Furthermore it would wreck what still remains Jordan Army morale which in last analysis must remain hard core any Jordanian internal security system unless country is to become satellite under full military occupation.

I cannot emphasize too strongly fact that with US military strength so near and in such volume as now exists danger external aggression against Jordan practically nil. Internal security situation satisfactory, with British troops actually “surplus”.

US role to date and as presently planned provide present pro-Western government economic tools with which retain control if not affection Jordanian people. It would be most unfortunate if we were to cancel out our “good deeds” by switching to military approach which as far as can be determined would be less than productive.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 785.00/7–2458. Secret; Priority. Also sent to Ankara and repeated to Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, London, and Paris.
  2. In telegram 333 from Ankara, July 23, the Embassy reported that the Turkish Government had urged that the United States respond favorably to the Jordanian request for the dispatch of U.S. troops to Jordan. (Ibid., 785.00/7–2358)
  3. Not found.
  4. Documents 211 and 212.